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Beginner's Mosaic
INTRO to Beginners Mosaic (6:26)
Printable PDF's of Step-By-Step Course Instructions, Materials List, Tools List,
Six Printable BONUS PDFS of Gaudi History, Planning Workspace, Finding Your Mosaic Style. Grouting Basics, Your Mosaic Toolbox. Mosaic Materials, Surfaces & Adhesives,
1. Review of Materials Required (12:15)
2. Review of Tools Required (12:31)
3. Preparing Frame (100:07)
4. Painting Frame (3:30)
5. Planning & Designing Grout Lines and Tile Placement (13:48)
6. Cutting Techniques (10:25)
7. Begin Gluing (10:09)
8. Cutting Plates (11:31)
9. Gluing, continued (9:43)
10. Preparing to Grout - Masking (4:35)
11. Mix Grout (6:37)
12. Apply Grout (13:48)
13. Remove Tape and Refine Grout (4:34)
14. Buff Haze (8:40)
15. Add Embellishments (2:51)
13. Remove Tape and Refine Grout
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